Ep #8: How to Position Yourself as a Thought Leader

Welcome in! This is the 8th episode of A Big Digital Hug.

On the podcast today, I discuss 10 ways that you can position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

thought leaderThe benefits of doing this:

  • Drive traffic to your business
  • Possibly a new revenue stream
  • Build trust and clout
  • Stand out from your peers or competition

10 Ways to position yourself as a thought leader: 

  1. Public Relations (Earned media)
  2. Write a book
  3. Start a blog or Vlog (Video blog)
  4. Start a podcast
  5. Book speaking engagements
  6. Contribute to credible online media sources
  7. Create an online course or webinar series
  8. Create an in-person course or host events
  9. Use LinkedIn or other social media platforms to educate your following
  10. Paid media placement (bought media)

Whatever you do, make sure you are comfortable with the path or paths you choose. Video isn’t for everyone and could be detrimental to your brand if you don’t do well.
Also, be cognizant of the way you can use that content afterward. How it can compound and parlay itself into other areas of your marketing.

If you need help achieving this goal or any goal, I’d love to coach you. You can find out more here. Thanks for listening. I love that you’re here!

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Be sure to check out our blog, by the same name, A Big Digital Hug while you’re here!

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Whatever tickles your fancy! Let me have it!

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Post by Karen Coons

Karen is the founder and CEO of Digital Hugs Marketing. With 15 years of experience in marketing and media, Karen has seen it all when it comes to sketchy tactics and marketing fails. She helps her clients to avoid these mistakes for long term results. Karen fully embraces an authentic, inbound approach to driving leads and creating a community of faithful consumers.

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